Saturday, 15 December 2012

Big Event at the Wish Closet

Two classes from Walter Gretzky School did an amazing job collecting donations of gently used items as well as brand new gifts for the customers of the Wish Closet.  The donations filled two pick up trucks and were delivered to the Wish Closet on Monday December 3 where the students went to work sorting the donations.  

The kids were excited to see the inside of the Wish Closet after seeing it in apresentation last month. They all signed in, toured the donation room, the Cinderella Room and the Light A Smile room. It was so nice to know that the younger generation is aware of how to help others in our community.  

Several members from the Wish Closet Volunteer team were involved and they enjoyed telling the children all about their duties.

The 23 visitors to the Wish Closet that night they were very happy to see so many wonderful things available to them. It was a great event. 

Back in class, the students were asked to reflect on the event. Here are some responses from the grade 1/2 students when asked to complete the sentence, Yesterday at the wish closet I...."  
  • ``I got to sort donations and got to go in the Wish Closet. It was fun!``
  • ``I helped people``
  • `I felt happy because all the families can get what they needed``
  • ``I felt impressed of how many donations filled more than two pick up trucks!``
The grade ¾ students offered the following reflections:

Something I learned when we went to the Wish Closet is, it’s good to help people and donate things that  people don’t have and make someone happy.  And we learned to sort the things.     

At the wish closet I learned that if one person donates something it can make one whole family happy.

I felt happy to donate to people who need stuff and I felt compassion when I realized how much they needed it.     

I learned that the wish closet is a wonderful place because if you have no money you can go to the wish closet ONLY IF YOU NEED IT.  
We helped  people that needed help and we went to see the dungeon. (the holding room)    

At the wish closet I learned where the donation stuff goes and if some people don’t   have stuff they can go to the wish closet.  

Me and my class went to the wish closet. The people that work there are proud of us for helping them. There was about 50,000 toys and clothes! We also filled up two trucks!!   

What I liked about the wish closet was when I helped other families that don`t  have much.  Also it makes me feel empathy, when I help other families in need. So I hope I helped lots of families that have very little!!     
I learned that the Wish Closet is a wonderful place because……  they give to people that don’t have money and they give the clothes for free ONLY IF YOU NEED IT. Walter Gretzky Elementary School brought lots of stuff  that took 12 hours to sort. We brought in stuff like bikes, clothes, kitchen stuff like plastic like spoons, plastic plates, plastic forks. And if you want to know where the Wish Closet is it is at Major Ballachey School. THANK YOU  

The wish closet has 3 rooms .There is the Cinderella  room  which is for the stuff for proms and weddings, the dungeon where they clean stuff ,and the wish closet  for the toys books and clothes. I felt really good because I was helping people.